MyPillow Cyber Symposium Liveblog

5 min readAug 10, 2021


August 10, 2021

12:30 So far this has been a Mike Lindell one-man show, reprising every grievance and personal hagiography anyone who has ever watched an interview with him knows by heart.

No evidence.

Curiosity mildly piqued by a (former?) prosecutor on the panel asserting he has tied “hundreds of cases” and Mike has “more evidence than i’ve ever seen in any case.” Do tell. Could the livestream possibly put his name under him? Does this guy still have a job or has he joined the audit grift train full time?

Hollywood-looking type complaining about the “snake news.” “Conservatives have substance.” “Zuckerbuck”

Lindell & his panel imo are truly undercutting any “evidence” they may eventually trot out with the grievances and boosterism. This was supposed to be “for democracy” and “for everyone.” So why vilify your audience and the journalists who *did* show up?

11:39 “The media is the enemy of the American people” — first mention, Lindell. They’re taking away our first amendment rights. Pointing out the media in the back of the room. “Shame on you, Fox!” (Raucous applause.)

Lindell is so wired he sounds incoherent.

11:03 Opening prayer (christian). national anthem (American).

During which I cut to Governor Cuomo’s lawyer’s press conference. Wow, what a 1–2 punch of aggrieved manhood.

Lindell has a panel onstage. Key figures in “stop the steal.” A movie is playing. Unclear who is narrating. Has a YouTube New World Order faux documentary vibe. Ominous music. Yup, called it. “Agenda of global domination.” Apparently private equite firms plus foreign interests control voting systems. It would really help to know who this dude is.

“Our investigation reveals…” Who are you? What investigation?

This is a grab-bag of debunked talking points and unsubstantiated assertions. Molly Ball’s piece gets read by a machine voice. Excerpt of George Soros interview (60 minutes I think) talking about assisting with confiscation of Jewish property when he was a (Jewish) child durng WWII.

Oh my god this is absolutely defamatory nuttery, livestreamed globally.

No attribution to clips. No context for sound bites.


Generic China bashing. Rare earth metals! Fentanyl!

Ends with the beloved-on-the-right soundbite from Biden saying “we’ve put together the…best voter fraud organization in the world.” [He forgot to say “prevention.”]

Finally the movie is over and the panelists are being introduced. Some retired intelligence guy who appears to have commissioned the movie. [Genuine lack of context in this event — something I’ve noticed in right-wing medie, that people are so steeped in these narratives and personalities they “need no introduction.”]

10:45 AM Raheem and Steve are taking Lindell’s claim of having been hacked at face value. I’d bet it’s just over capacity. “This is part of what they’ve done to our country.”

I am officially over Mike Lindell’s obsessive riffing. Get the program started. Let’s see the data. Let the cyber guys cyber.

I know at least one entity that will watch this entire 3-day event, every moment, and that’s Dominion Voting Systems, who have sued Lindell for 1/3 billion for defamation. He has counter-sued on first amandment grounds.

10 AM I’m not there. Watching Steve Bannon’s War Room as they hype the coming reveal. Room is large and noisy. Bannon refers to this as the “air game.” As opposed to the “ground game,” which is the “forensic audit” movement, which he and various guests want for *all 50 states.*

Raheem Kassan, former UKIP flak and current cohost, as well as editor in chief of the National Pulse, is riffing on how it was the Democrats who warned that machines could be hacked but NOW they say “most secure election in history.” The National Pulse’s stance is that such warnings (from the Center for American Progress) as well as the “Election Integrity Project,” which was when everyone pulled together to make an election happen during a pandemic (as described in Molly Ball’s Time Magazine piece), in fact served as a *blueprint* for stealing the election.

It is an article of faith on the War Room that the election was stolen, and any and all means are put forward. It’s a death-of-a-thousand-cuts narrative which allows for every theory. Dead voters? check. Manufactured ballots dumped in the dead of night? check. Illegal voters? check. Vote-switching? check. Everything.

Now they’re talking about “the routers.” Why won’t they give us the routers? If Joe Biden really got 81 million votes, they would rub our nose in it every day. Raheem: “But they don’t and that tells you something.”

This symposium is not the end, but the end of the beginning.

Praise for Jeffrey Clark, the DOJ guy who tried to foment a legal coup.

Favorite mantra “It’s the canvas not the count.” Nancy Pelosi used to be in favor of audits! Now Rachel Maddow says they destroy democracy! “We’re insurrrectionists because we want to get to the bottom of this.”

Lindell on the main stage: “The absolute cover-up for the worst crime in history.” Claims “We’ve been attacked,” and “they” are preventing his broadcast. He gets a big cheer, which is suspect to be because this was supposed to be only for media, politicians, and “cyber guys” (no women apparently), and not for the public or supporters. So when a big cheer goes up that makes me feel the invited media, politicos, and/or cyber guys are not perhaps as impartial as I was led to believe. He’s going on about fake news and a cover up. Lindell wanted this to be the biggest livestram event in history.

I have heard many many interviews with him, and he is a true believer. It’s somewhat heartbreaking. He has poured his soul into this and he believes he is saving the country. “It’s gonna be glorious. Pray that the blinders are taken off.” Leftists aren’t bad people! They’ve been brainwashed.

Now extremely granular chronology of personal grievances against the media and “big tech.” All extemporaneous, which, the guy is personable but he’s diluting his message here big time.

“I’ll sit here and talk for 12 hours like this if I have to.” I guess his site, FrankSoeech, is not streaming right, which he blames on serives (probably cloud) they have to use. Oh no, he’s getting paranoid. “My plane couldn’t land last night. This has been the hardest week of my life. Why did Dominion file more lawsuits TODAY?” Guy is tapped out & should get off the stage and let a professional MC this allegedly historic event.




Written by clothilde


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